Training adults with mental or cognitive disabilities in catering professions

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The project

The Centre de Formation des Apprentis Joyeux (CFAJ) provides 2-year apprenticeship training for Café Joyeux team members, all of whom are mentally or cognitively disabled. In this way, it supports them in their professionalization and skills development until they obtain a state-recognized diploma, and works towards their lasting professional inclusion in our society.
apprentices to date
team members hired on permanent contracts at a Café Joyeux


In France, 750,000 people are mentally or cognitively disabled. These people experience an unemployment rate 2 times higher than the national average.
On the other hand, only 0.5% of people with learning disabilities work in the mainstream workplace.
Since 2021, the Centre de Formation des Apprentis Joyeux has been working for the inclusion of people with mental and cognitive disabilities. It:
  • provides team members with apprenticeship and on-the-job training,thanks to training that is fully adapted to people with mental and cognitive disabilities;
  • prepares team members for the diplôme d'Etat d'Employé polyvalent de restauration;
  • contributes to their inclusionprofessional and to the changing outlook on disability.

The Joyeux Apprentice Training Center is supported by the fonds de dotation Source de Joie, Café Joyeux's sole shareholder.


The money will be used for

The donations collected help finance the training of team members via the Centre de Formation des Apprentis Joyeux and contribute to their professional inclusionin our society.
Sustainable development goals