Protecting the Mediterranean with WWF France's sailboat: the Blue Panda

The project
Since 2019, the Blue Panda has sailed every year to raise public awareness of the Mediterranean's environmental challenges, engage decision-makers in ecosystem protection and carry out scientific work, in particular for the protection of large cetaceans, the development of Marine Protected Areas and the fight against "ghost" fishing gear.
%of known species live in the waters of the Mediterranean, which represent less than 1% of the surface area of the oceans.
600 000
metric tonsof plastic are discharged into the Mediterranean Sea every year
%of the world's maritime traffic transits the Mediterranean
The Blue Panda's objectives are manifold.
1) Connecting the general public to the Mediterranean and its biodiversity treasures, and raising awareness of what threatens them, is a step towards raising awareness and action on everyone's part. The Blue Panda raises awareness among local audiences during its stopovers, especially the youngest, and publicizes the issues and solutions.
2) The Blue Panda carries out scientific missions to improve the knowledge needed for protection and support its recommendations to local or national decision-makers. Field missions also enable us to work on concrete conservation solutions, such as locating and removing fishing nets lost at sea.
3) The Blue Panda, WWF's ambassador in the Mediterranean, engages in specific campaigns to obtain commitments and decisionscrucial for the Mediterranean.
The money will be used for
The Blue Panda sails 7 months a year, and remains docked in winter for its annual maintenance and the work required for missions. The Blue Panda is under French flag with professional status.
Funds are needed for maintenance of the boat, financing the permanent professional crew of 3 sailors, equipment needed for missions and expenses while sailing such as port call fees.
Each mission also requires teams professionals (scientists, divers, videographers...) and dockside events costs organization.

Why does Novotel like this project?
The oceans are the world’s biggest carbon sink and greatest source of planetary balance, which regulates the climate and protects habitats and wildlife. As part of Novotel’s commitment to stay in balance with life and nature, we have chosen to partner with WWF to act for the preservation of the oceans.
Action zones
Sustainable development goals