Preserving threatened species and habitats

Action zones
The project
BiodiversityInternational solidarity
Beauval Nature supports conservation and research projects around the world that involve men and women and place them at the heart of biodiversity preservation.
1,6 milliard
billionpeople depend on wildlife and forests for their livelihoods (United Nations)
1 million
millionof animal and plant species are threatened with extinction worldwide (IPBES 2022)
%decline in wildlife populations worldwide since 1970 (WWF - Planète Vivante)
In order to provide sustainable access to natural resources, Beauval Nature supports nature guardians at the heart of local populations. In this way, it creates jobs that benefit biodiversity and the communities themselves, whose members are informed, involved and benefit from a sustainable source of income.
The actions carried out by these guardians.ne.s of nature are numerous: monitoring species and protected areas against poaching and abusive exploitation, cleaning up natural areas and recycling, tree planting, beekeeping, caring for wildlife in distress, developing ecotourism, tracking and censusing individuals, raising awareness among the younger generation, setting up breeding programs, etc.
Support often goes beyond these specific actions, providing comprehensive help to foster economic development and access to essential services. For example, with the construction or renovation of schools, support on textbook publishing, support for local crafts and short circuits, rebuilding infrastructure following natural disasters, etc.
The money will be used for
- Hire ecoguards and rangers.
- Support teachers and researchers.
- Train veterinarians and groomers.
- Develop recycling and the circular economy.
- Enable access to essential goods and services.
Action zones
Sustainable development goals